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LWOB-Operator  Example 

This operator reads in a Lightwave-object and converts it into
Wildfire's 3D-format. This makes it possible to combine
phong-shaded 3D-objects and images using the  PowerPlugs!-concept -
Only 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-point-polygons are supported, all polygons
with more points are ignored while reading.

To simplify the creation of object-catalogues the filename
can be plotted directly to the generated image and
whole drawers can be processed easily.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8,      output buffer
            TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
Text                                        toggle the kind of text to be plotted to the image,
            OFF,                             no text will be generated,
            SMALL,                           plot the filename without the path,
            FULL                             plot the full filename with path
Select Font (gadget)                        select the font for the generated string
File        string                          object-file or drawer to be scanned
Width       pixels                          width of the image to be created
Height      pixels                          height of the image to be created
TRed,       0...255                         text color
TGreen,     0...255
TBlue       0...255

If the specified input-file cannot be found the path is scanned
as drawer to create an alphabetically sorted filelist.
Later the n-th item of this list is processed at frame n.

Because this operator supports the  PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global  Render-Settings -Window.

See the  Tutorial  for an example.